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What We Believe

If you're wondering exactly what we believe at Fruitland Community Church, you've come to the right place. If you have further questions, our Pastor would be happy to talk with you.



The 66 books of the Old and New Testament are the writing through which God has communicated His plan for humanity. They are authored by God through human instruments and are without mistakes as originally written. Therefore they carry the full authority of God. As such they represent the complete revelation of His will for salvation and contain all that is necessary to live a life pleasing to Him.


There is but one true and living God, creator of all things, eternally existing in three person: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. These three are perfect (holy) and of equal dignity and power. Each person of the Godhead has a vital role in the salvation of mankind and in enabling individuals to lead a life pleasing to God.


Man is created in God's spiritual image to have a relationship with Him and rule the earth on His behalf. However, as a result of man's disobedience (sin), he is separated from God, with no hope of restoration apart from God's intervention.



Salvation is the restoration of an individual's relationship with God. It is possible because God the Father so loved mankind that He sent His son (Jesus Christ), who willingly sacrificed His life to forgive our sins and then rose again, enabling His Holy Spirit to dwell in us. Salvation can only be obtained when an individual turns from disobedience (repents) and receives God's gracious gift through faith in Jesus Christ.



Sanctification is God's will for those who have been restored to a relationship with Him. Having freed them from the penalty of sin through faith in His Son, God now requires that believers live holy lives, set apart (sanctified) from the power of sin. A sanctified life is only possible through reliance upon the Holy Spirit and daily surrender to His presence.




All believers in Christ are united by their faith and are part of the spiritual body of Christ which is His Church. Each member plays a unique essential role in fulfilling the mission of spreading the message of salvation and displaying the love of God. Through teaching,  prayer, fellowship, service, and worship, the Church provides the believer with the support they need to fulfill the mission.

Last Things


At the end of time, Christ will come again. He will divide the believers in Christ from the unbelievers. Those who have rejected Christ will be eternally separated from God and suffer endless punishment in hell. Those who have believed in Christ will go on to endless life in heaven.

Fruitland Community

"Together we are taking root and bearing fruit."

Gathering Times:

Location and Contact:

Quick Links:

Main Sanctuary

Sunday Worship @ 10:45 AM

 Church Address

6252 Fruitland Rd Ne.

Salem, OR 97317

Fellowship Hall 

Mailing Address

Sunday School @ 9:30 AM

581 Lancaster Dr Se,

PMB 433

Salem, OR  97317

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