
"Together we are taking root and bearing fruit"
Leadership Introductions
Joshua Adams
Hi, I’m Pastor Josh!
If there is one thing I think it is important to tell you about me, it is that I love and follow Jesus! He is the Captain of the adventure and calling that I’ve been on since I asked Him to come into my heart when I was 4 years old.
That day changed my life. I knew He lived inside of me. Then, at about 16 years of age, I asked Him to take my whole life as an offering to Him, and to fill me with His Spirit. That also changed my life! He transformed me from someone whose knees would knock at the thought of speaking in public, to being able to preach and pray in front of a church without fainting. I’ve never looked back!
Walking with Jesus is an adventure. I am on this adventure with my wonderful wife, Rachel, and my three children, Christi (who loves music and computer coding), Wesley (who loves science and adventure) and Susanna (who loves, loves, loves life!).
I started in full time ministry about 21 years ago as a youth pastor, and after a couple of years went on to be lead pastor at three churches including one church plant. We are excited to continue our journey with Jesus at Fruitland Community Church, and want to invite you to join us on His adventure!
My main tasks in ministry have been to call folks to return to God: to His Word, to prayer, to Godly homes. Together, in the spirit of 2 Kings 19:30, let’s take root in Jesus and bear fruit for Him!

Pastor Folmer Strunk
Pastor Folmer Strunk has pastored several churches, including planting a church in Lake Oswego, Oregon. He has also served as a missionary and church multiplication facilitator with One Mission Society for many years. We are happy to welcome him as Associate Pastor at Fruitland!

Mike Wall
When I first stepped through the door of Fruitland Community Church back in 1993 I experienced Christ’s unconditional love, and a sense of belonging. My family and I have been encouraged by the teaching centered on God’s word.
It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve on the worship team since we first began attending and leading the youth ministry for 7 years. Serving on the trustees committee has helped me appreciate the unity and direction of the leadership at Fruitland in Fulfilling Christ’s Command.
My Wife Shelley and I have been married since 1987 and have been blessed with two daughters (and Son-in-Laws), a Son and a Grandson!
Men's Ministry

Sam Hall
Raised in the Oklahoma Panhandle, Sam Hall graduated from Oklahoma State before serving in the U.S. Army Special Forces. He practiced architecture in the American West, in Egypt, and in Southern Africa, where he and his family lived for two years. His travels have taken him from Africa to the Arctic, and from Egypt to China, providing background for his writing, photography, and ministry.
Following his retirement from the architecture profession, he conducted pastoral training and outreach to international displaced persons camps in South Africa and Uganda. He was also part of a four-man team traveling in rural areas of SW China to work with ethnic minorities and support the underground church.
A member of Fruitland Community Church the past 18 years, he has participated in a number of ministries, as well as being a Discussion Leader in Bible Study Fellowship. He currently co-leads Men’s Ministries.
Sam continues to learn from his wife and three grown children about family relationships and authenticity, at the core of the story of his family, Daughter of the Cimarron and its sequel, A Place to Stand, now ready for publication. He has another book-length work in progress, a memoir set in Africa.

Jim Cropper
Born in Seattle, Wa., Jim grew up in Arizona, moving to Oregon 36 years ago to be with Becky's (wife of 47 years) family. He smilingly calls himself an Ari-gonian. Jim came to Fruitland Community Church 6 years ago looking for a church for "unofficially adopted daughter" Sarah (Myers) and found a church home in the process. Jim was born again at the age of 10 but truly began his adult walk with the Lord on Oct. 2, 1971. It hasn't been perfect, but it's all about JESUS and His grace. Jim and Becky are blessed with two grown sons and four wonderful grandchildren.
Jim served as Lt. Commander of the Winslow Company of Arizona Rangers and also as State Chaplain. Music has always been a major part of his life having performed in multiple genres. He toured with Good News Quartet (Southern Gospel) and co-hosted their own cable-tv program. He went on to produce and host his own program, ShareCropper, which ran for 12 years in the Portland area, a Bible/Constitution-based talk/interview/music, etc. production. He is a veteran of the studio as well as a variety of live emcee and musical performances, as well as a bit of acting thrown in.
Jim began working with FCC's Men's Ministry over 2 years ago and now joyfully partners with Sam Hall. The Word of GOD (there is NO substitute!) and prayer are his main focus. But it's not about Sam and Jim, or even Pastor Josh--- it's ALL about Jesus Christ, period !! As far as Men's Ministry (or any other for that matter), there is no "I" in team. T.E.A.M.--- Together Everyone Achieves/Accomplishes More. We have a great team of men, but there's only one guy we really NEED--- LOOK IN THE MIRROR !!!
Love, Prayers and GOD bless, Jim
Joshua 24:15b --- " for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
Women's Ministry

Judy Snider
My husband, Morris, and I have been attending Fruitland Community Church (FCC) since 2002. Over the years, FCC has had many activities for women, such as weekend retreats, Saturday inspirational speakers/luncheons or teas, Bible Studies, quilting, and some planned outings. As we move forward from over a year of restricted activities due to COVID-19, I am looking forward to working with Dawn and Nicole in planning some activities for the women in the Church, as we know this is an important way for us to work and serve together and get better acquainted with our Sisters in Christ. If you have any suggestions or ideas on what we can do to help you through Women’s Ministries, please shares these with Dawn, Nicole and me. Thank you.
Korri Miller
Bio Coming Soon
Kathy Wright
Bio Coming Soon
Youth Ministry
To Be Announced
Children's Ministry

Lindsay Jones
Lindsay has gone to Fruitland Church her whole life and was baptized here with her family as a child. Her fondest memories growing up were in the Children's Church class that she now leads. She has always enjoyed working with kids and worked with Child Evangelism Fellowship to lead christian after school programs at local elementary schools while in college.
Lindsay graduated from Oregon State University with degrees in science and psychology. She has taught in public schools in Arizona and Oregon.
Lindsay enjoys reading, astronomy and spending time with her husband Marcus and son Wyatt. One of her favorite bible verses is Joshua 1:9 which says “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Music Ministry

Rachel Adams
Giving glory to God through music and worship is one of my greatest passions! I have always loved music. From plunking out songs on the piano as a little girl to majoring in music at college, music has been a theme of my life, and one of the wonderful ways I get to worship the Lord.
As a teenager the Lord challenged me to use my talents for Him. He then gave me the opportunity to be a worship leader in all of the churches we’ve pastored over the years. I truly enjoy working with our enthusiastic team of musicians and singers to put together worship that brings delight to God’s heart.
At Fruitland, we seek to bring together elements of themes of worship from the Church throughout history, from the very old to the very new. We love to incorporate as many instruments as possible, and include worshipers from young to old!
From Psalm 150 (NKJV):
3 Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet;
Praise Him with the lute and harp!
4 Praise Him with the timbrel and dance;
Praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!
5 Praise Him with loud cymbals;
Praise Him with clashing cymbals!
I also enjoy being with my family, gardening, and the beauty of the Cascades and the Willamette Valley.

Fruitland Community
"Together we are taking root and bearing fruit."